Donate to SFMT
60 Years of Speaking Truth to Power!
60 Years of Laughter and Music!
60 Years of FREE Shows in the Parks!
60 Years of Corporation Free Funded Shows!

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wish list
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for our latest
appeal letter
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to join a donor circle!
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Unlike most theater companies, the Mime Troupe still has no corporate sponsors.
This means your tax-deductible donation is critical to our survival. By contributing to this campaign, you are helping to ensure the health and longevity of America's premiere political theater company.
Donate Online
This is the easiest way to make a donation of any dollar amount! Just Click Here to make a donation today!
Donate by Phone or Mail
Want to donate over the phone please call us at: 415.285.1717
You can send us a check made out for: SF Mime Troupe
And then mail it to: SF Mime Troupe, 855 Treat Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94110
Estate Planning
By including SFMT in your estate plans you are creating a legacy and demonstrating a lasting commitment to our mission of making free theater accessible for all generations to come.
For more information about supporting SFMT through a bequest or other planned gift, please Click Here or call us at 415.285.1717.
Voluntary Arts Contribution Fund Donation
The SFMT is a grateful grantee of the Voluntary Arts Contribution Fund. This fund administrated through SF Grants for the Arts has been a bonus for local arts organizations particularly with their Creative Space programs that help fund facility upgrades and repairs, expenses that can really impact our already stretched budget. Please Click Here to see how you can donate.